# catalog of autohit tests
# gpre = good, but needs setup
# compiler tests
autohit/test/scripts/compile-test1 cbad serious compile errors w/parsing errors
autohit/test/scripts/compile-test2 cbad serious compile errors w/parsing errors
autohit/test/scripts/compile-test3 cgood successful compile
autohit/test/scripts/compile-test4 cbad non-fatal compile errors
autohit/test/scripts/compile-test5 cbad make sure labels can't be inside scopes
autohit/test/scripts/compile-test6 cbad make sure labels can't be duplicated
# simlang tests GOOD
autohit/test/scripts/testreturn1 good test the command
autohit/test/scripts/testreturn1-sub1 sub subroutine for testreturn1 test
autohit/test/scripts/working1 good Test SET, MATH, CALL, Call_LOG
autohit/test/scripts/working2 good Test MATH, FOR, CALL, and SUBR
autohit/test/scripts/working2-sub1 sub subroutine for working2 test
autohit/test/scripts/working3 good Test MATH(* and /), If, WHILE, and Call_DATE
autohit/test/scripts/working4 good Test Labels, GOTO, and pass by reference.
autohit/test/scripts/working5 good Test IF operations
autohit/test/scripts/working6 good Test CALL_WAIT
autohit/test/scripts/working7 good Test prop passing
autohit/test/scripts/working8 good Test ASSERT and CALL_GET_SPROP
autohit/test/scripts/working9 good Nested variable manipulation
# simlang tests BAD
autohit/test/scripts/notworking1 good Test MATH, FOR, CALL, and SUBR
# CALL tests
autohit/test/scripts/call-table1 good Test NEW_TABLE, INSERT_TABLE, GET_TABLE, DELETE_TABLE, and REMOVE_TABLE
autohit/test/scripts/call-2 good Test LOAD_UNI2STRING, EVALSTRING, and buffers
# MODULE tests
autohit/test/scripts/stopwatch1 good Test StopwatchModule
autohit/test/scripts/writer1 good Test TextWriterModule and BUFFERS
autohit/test/scripts/mime1 good Test MimeMessageModule and
autohit/test/scripts/smtp1 gpre Small test of SimpleSmtpModule