These are various tables and notes made during development. Some of it was never used. Some of it might seem silly, particularly the hand generated parsers. Rember, this was for experimentation, and in some cases, just to prove a point to a colleige. Sometimes I was successful. Sometimes I wasn't. The header processor was primarily part of a bet, which I did win, and proved to be significantly faster than its competition. However, what my challenger didn't notice was that it had a critical fault--you cannot add anything to the end of the header after you have processes all header lines. Good thing our judge never tried it. Given how I structured the table, it would be difficult to add this feature, so my next implementation (not part of this project) looks quite different. the notes represent the original direction of the system, where a new pseudo-language would take form inside java classes. However, after we got the basic THINGs working, it seemed like there was no point in going any further with it. The processors will do you little good for language processing, since it is entirely geared toward 8-bit characters. This works great it you're only concerned about protocols, code, and data-scripts. It will perform astoundingly bad for text management. Don't use it for that. --- UPDATE --- As of 1.2.1, HeaderProcessorv2 is fixed. It handles header termination correctly and allows you to append new headers after read all the existing ones.