Listing for /management
Documents used for management.
EXAMPLE-exec_status.pptMS Powerpoint PresentationStatus presentation for executive staff.
EXAMPLE-staff-status-report.pptMS Powerpoint PresentationStatus presentation for peer staff and direct reports.
EXAMPLE-Staff-budget.xlsMS Excel SpreadsheetSimple staff budget with forecast.
EXAMPLE-Team-Newsletter.docMS Word DocumentA team newsletter. Staff meetings were usually just direct reports and presenters. I found this a good way to keep everyone else in the loop.
EXAMPLE-TaskPlanningAndBalancing.xlsMS Excel SpreadsheetA staff utilization planning tool. I would work this with the individual managers to help keep everyone busy without having to stick our noses in their business twenty times a day.
EXAMPLE-Daily-Tasking-Order.docMS Word DocumentDaily work orders. It took very little time to create and saved a lot of time herding the junior members of the testing and integration teams. IT staff preferred to work with a ticket system.
EXAMPLE-TeamTasking-IntegrationLab.xlsMS Excel SpreadsheetGeneral orders for teams. This is how the senior members knew what had to get done in a given week. This is also how the managers and I would show where we could help should things fall behind.